We got to work right away by dividing everyone into teams. Each team then created their own signature rub. From there the teams received one slab of ribs which they seasoned with the rub they created. The ribs were put on the pit as they would be submitted later for judging. We then moved on to discussing how to trim and season, as well as cooking times and temperatures for briskets, pork butts and chicken. This information went a looong way for some that enjoy using a good “marinade”.
Break time! The KCBS certified judges began to arrive as we took a break and ate dinner. Amongst the certified judges that helped were Paul and Tracy Satterfield of the Great American Barbecue and Bob Carruthers of the Forbes Barbeque Society in Australia. As everyone ate it reminded me of quiet time in kindergarten. Could it be that they really enjoyed the food? Yep, the empty pans confirmed it.
After dinner we took the ribs off of the pit and discussed presentation for turn in boxes. Each team received a turn box and the slab of ribs that they seasoned earlier. The air was filled with elation from the flavors of the final products that were produced. After being sliced and sampled, each team submitted there “tour de force” for judging like proud parents in a spelling bee. This is how each team faired;
6th place with 122 points – Redneck Raiders
5th place with 129 points – Rub It Out
4th place with 130 points – Rib Dr.
3rd place with 133 points – Magic Jack
2nd place with 134 points –There’s the Rub
1st place with 136 points – Boss Team
Congratulations to Jeff Hensley of Iowa, Barry Lewis of North Carolina, and John Carlson of North Carolina for taking first place honors with their ribs!
Thank you to Lon Crager from Bayer CorpScience for setting this class up, Paul and Tracy Satterfield of the Great American Barbecue, Bob Carruthers of the Forbes Barbeque Society in Australia, and all of the team members from Bayer CorpScience that participated! You really are a special group of people!